Servo drive
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UL61800-5-1 is a standard published by UL in the United States for industrial control of motor drives and related equipment (for example, frequency converters, servo drives, etc.). The standard focuses on the safety performance of the drive, including electrical, electronic, mechanical and environmental requirements.
UL61800-5-1 and GB/T 33583-2017 are both standards on safety requirements for PLCs and their related equipment, but they are standards developed by different countries.
Theservo driver is a device that converts the input analog or digital signal into mechanical motion. It usually has the advantages of high precision, high speed, and high torque, and is widely used in the field of industrial automation. The UL61800-5-1 standard is to regulate and require the safety performance of such equipment to ensure that the equipment can operate safely and reliably under normal working conditions and avoid safety accidents caused by equipment failure or wrong operation.
For companies that produce servo drives, meeting the requirements of UL61800-5-1 standards is essential. Enterprises can test and evaluate the safety performance of servo drives to ensure that their products can meet the requirements of this standard and improve product quality and competitiveness. At the same time, for companies that use servo drives, choosing servo drives that meet the requirements of UL61800-5-1 standards can also ensure the safety and stability of their production processes.