X/Y capacitance
Having legal effect
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The UL 60384 standard is a product standard for fixed capacitors for electronic equipment. UL 60384 standards may include specific requirements for capacitors in terms of electrical performance, mechanical performance, environmental adaptability, and safety performance. These requirements are designed to ensure that the capacitor can operate reliably under normal conditions of use and will not cause harm to equipment or personnel.
When XY capacitors are UL60384 certified, a series of tests are required to ensure that they meet the requirements of the standard.
These test items may include but are not limited to the following:
1. Appearance and size inspection: Check the appearance and size of the capacitor to ensure that it meets the design requirements.
2. Electrical test: including capacitor withstand voltage test, insulation resistance test, etc., to evaluate its electrical performance.
3. Lead-out strength: Test the mechanical strength of the capacitor lead-out to ensure that it will not break or loosen during use.
4. Welding heat resistance: Test the heat resistance of the capacitor during the welding process to ensure that it will not be damaged during the welding process.
5. Solderability: Evaluate the solderability of the capacitor terminal to ensure that it can be reliably connected to other components.
6. Rapid temperature change: test the performance of the capacitor in the environment of rapid temperature change to evaluate its environmental adaptability.
7. Vibration: Test the stability and reliability of the capacitor by simulating the vibration environment in actual use.
8. Climate sequence: Test under simulated different climate conditions to evaluate the performance of the capacitor in different environments.
9. Impact: Test the performance of the capacitor when it is impacted to ensure that it can resist the influence of external impact.
10. Steady-state damp heat: Test in a constant damp heat environment to evaluate the long-term stability and reliability of the capacitor.
11. Pulse voltage: Test the performance of the capacitor under pulse voltage to evaluate its ability to resist pulse voltage.
12. Durability: The durability of the capacitor was evaluated by a long running test.
13. Flame Retardancy Test: The performance of the capacitor at the time of burning was tested to evaluate its flame retardancy.
14. Spontaneous ignition test: Evaluate whether the capacitor will spontaneously ignite under certain conditions.
15. Solvent resistance of components: test the resistance of capacitor components to solvents.